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Membership Application

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By submitting this form you agree to not hold the Arkansas Cowboys Association, Board Members, Stock Contractors of producers responsible for any injuries, death or loss of personal property.

Today's Date
I wish to apply for Rookie Status in an event.

BB SB RBR BR CR SW TR-Hdr TR-Hlr CBR JBR BWY GT  ROOKIE ELIGIBILITY: Contestants 18 years and older must not have won more than $350  in any card holding association in the event applied with the exception of Jr. High Rodeo,  

High School Rodeo, or Little Britches Rodeo; contestants 17 years and younger must not  have won more than $350 in any rodeo association in the event applied with the exception  of Jr. High Rodeo, High School Rodeo, or Little Britches Rodeo; and have not won the title  of Rookie in the ACA in the same event in previous years.  

Deadline to apply for rookie is 06/30/2025. If an applicant is denied by the board, a contestant has the option to appeal the decision to the board by 07/31/2025. 

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